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  • 弗吉尼亚州萨福克的草坪护理

    Ensure your lawn looks its best year-round with our comprehensive lawn care services in Suffolk, VA. 在农艺草坪管理公司, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional treatments and using state-of-the-art technology to give you the lush, 你一直想要的绿色景观.

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    自1998年起为本地所有, we take great pride in providing lawn care services to our fellow neighbors in the community. 我们提供优质的产品,优质的客户十大彩票网站, & guaranteed results. 

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    We do everything possible to have a knowledgeable and licensed technician at your home within 48 hours of your phone call to our local lawn care office.

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    Suffolk Office

    1258 Progress Rd
    M-F: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
    SAT: Closed
    SUN: Closed
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    不要冒险在萨福克进行低质量的草坪护理, here at ALM we use the highest-quality treatments and the latest technology to give you the landscape of your dreams. 我们的项目包括长达14年的治疗, which we have found is the best way to ensure that your lawn looks gorgeous in every season. 我们是一家有20多年历史的草坪护理公司, 所以我们知道没有放之四海而皆准的治疗方法. 当你和我们合作的时候, you can rest assured knowing that your yard will be transformed into something beautiful.



    When your lawn isn’t up to par, waiting around for service just isn’t an option. You need a lawn care company that will get the job done quickly and efficiently, 这里是农艺草坪管理公司, 这就是你得到的. One of our lawn care experts will be at your home within 48 hours of initial contact—there's no need to wait when you partner with us.


    When weeds take over your lawn, their presence can often make it look unkempt or unruly. Over time, they can suffocate your lawn and prevent it from getting the proper nutrients it needs to thrive. 在农艺草坪管理公司, 我们提供全面的杂草控制在萨福克健康, beautiful lawn. Our team will rid your lawn of any existing weeds and help prevent new ones from emerging.


    拥有十大彩票网站的专业经验, 我们保证在萨福克为您提供最好的杂草控制. Our lawn experts take reactive and preventative measures to rid your lawn of weeds for good. 当您选择农艺草坪管理,我们保证以下几点:

    • A soil test 来评估你草坪的健康状况.
    • 定制草坪处理 计划量身定制您的草坪和您的个人需求.
    • Pre-emergent治疗 在杂草有机会生长之前就将其消灭. 
    • Post-emergent治疗 清除现有杂草.
    • 季节性申请 一年四季保护你的草坪.


    Grubs are the larvae of a variety of beetle species that may be infesting your lawn. 它们侵蚀基层和有机土壤物质, 随着时间的推移,威胁你的草坪的健康和生长. By preventing your lawn from getting the proper nutrients it needs to thrive, 蛴螬很快就会成为严重的害虫. 在农艺草坪管理公司, we offer grub control in Suffolk for a healthier, pest-free lawn.


    With 20+ years in business, our team is sure to provide you with a service you can trust. We target larvae when they are most vulnerable to avoid the use of chemical-heavy treatments that are harmful to the environment. We are proud to offer the most affordable and quality grub control in Suffolk by using thorough, 环保产品.


    Mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks are a common nuisance, and they pose many health risks. 因为你后院的蚊子越来越多, 你和你的家人更容易被蚊子叮咬, and the risk of developing a disease is a potential outcome of being bit. 农艺草坪管理 can put these pest populations at bay with our effective lawn pest control in Suffolk. 


    Our exterminators will show you exactly how to get rid of outdoor pests at the source. 农艺草坪管理 offers professional lawn pest control in Suffolk from April through October. 我们将确保人口处于困境, 这样你的家人和宠物就可以无忧无虑地享受户外活动了. 与我们合作,您将获得: 

    • 10 .草坪害虫防治应用 快速消灭害虫.
    • 宠物和家庭友好治疗 由我们训练有素的灭虫员处理.
    • 保护就在源头 寻找最有效的治疗方法.
    • 一个无忧无虑地享受你的院子的机会 通过实施我们的治疗和 关于你院子里蜱虫的知识!


    Fungi and spores are a natural part of your lawn that are typically harmless. 在合适的条件下, however, they can take over and cause lawn diseases such as dollar spot and summer patch disease. These can be difficult to diagnose unless you know exactly what to look for, 这就是为什么最好相信专业的草坪护理公司. 我们在萨福克的疾病控制中心会决定你的院子是什么病的, 同时制定一个非常有效的治疗方案.

    The details of our lawn disease control depend on the type of grass you have, which is either:

    • Warm-season grass, which receives four strategically timed fungicide treatments split between the spring and fall, 额外的夏季应用程序可选.
    • Cool-season grass夏天要用杀菌剂仔细处理五次.

    Ensuring your lawn is dense and vibrant is crucial for both its health and aesthetic appeal. 我们的狭缝播种工艺旨在恢复薄或斑驳的草坪, giving you the lush, 你想要的绿色草坪. Here's how we deliver exceptional results with our slit seeding service:

    • 草坪综合评价: Our certified lawn care technicians begin by inspecting your lawn and conducting an in-depth analysis to determine its specific needs.
    • 定制播种处理根据我们的评估, we recommend the seeding treatment best suited for your lawn’s requirements.
    • 专家缝播工艺我们首先在整个草坪上撒上草籽, followed by running our slit seeder to ensure the seeds are properly embedded in the soil. 根据您的草坪状况,这个顺序可能会有所不同.
    • 治疗指南:缝播处理完成后, our technicians provide you with detailed instructions on proper watering techniques and additional care to ensure optimal results.
    • Enhanced Lawn Health结果是一个充满活力的, fuller lawn that thrives in the fall and is robust enough to endure the winter months.

    草坪播种只能作为一项附加十大彩票网站与我们的一个 lawn care programs


    Mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks are more than just a nuisance; they pose health risks to your family and pets. In Suffolk, VA, 农艺草坪管理 offers effective pest control services designed to protect your outdoor spaces and let you enjoy your yard without worry.


    • Seasonal Treatments: We provide monthly treatments during the warm months (April to October) to keep your yard free from mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.
    • 全面的保护: Our treatments not only target mosquitoes but also offer control for fleas and ticks, 提供全面的病虫害管理.
    • 10草坪害虫防治应用:我们确保迅速清除蚊子, fleas, 整个季节有十种有针对性的应用.
    • 家庭和宠物友好治疗: Our treatments are safe for your loved ones, administered by our trained and skilled exterminators.
    • Targeted Protection: We focus on treating the source of infestations, maximizing the efficiency of our solutions.
    • 保证无虫害的院子: Enjoy a guaranteed pest-free yard, allowing you to relax and enjoy your outdoor space without worry.

    跟蚊子说再见, fleas, and ticks, and reclaim your outdoor spaces with 农艺草坪管理's lawn pest control services in Suffolk, VA. Contact us today to schedule your treatment and enjoy a pest-free summer.




    5 Star Review


    M. D. McCue
    5 Star Review

    一位朋友向我推荐了ALM,我非常高兴. 结果是惊人的. 去年秋天的缝隙播种彻底改变了我的草坪...它从优秀变成了优秀. It's cost effective, 而不是选择和施用肥料, weed control, etc, ALM负责这一切. 时间和材料对我来说并不比使用ALM少多少. 我的技师是雷,他很出色.

    Bruce Johnson
    5 Star Review

    自从来到这家公司以来,我的经历一直是一流的. 他们出来的时候总是提前告诉我. 他们也会把他们的发现留给我. My tech is K.C.他绝对是最棒的. 我的院子得到了很多赞美. Kudos to K.C.

    LoLo Hanna

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